This project deals with the integration and the test of a computational fluid dynamics system (CFD) whose purpose is the reduction of the calculation time required for the aeronautical applications.
The system design is made using VHDL language, a very used hardware description language in the industry.
The available development platform is composed by a PROCStar III communication board made by Gidel, with two FPGA devices Stratix III and two SODIMM memories with 2 GB of capacity. The access to this device is made by a PCI Express bus and a controller implemented using C++ language.
In addition, it has been carried out the optimization and implementation of several modules to achieve the frequency specifications. The description of these components have been described in the developed documentation later.
Moreover, it's made a study of the interfaces presented by all the system components, so it serves like a support to the integration task.
The system is tested by Modelsim, a simulation and analysis tool, which let to simulate the running of the system. In addition, it's reported to the use of files to make easier the task. In this way, it's possible to check the system behavior is equivalent to the software simulator one, which has been developed prior to this proyect.
Key words
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), High Performance Computing (HPC), FPGA, Altera, VHDL, Design, Implementation, Euler, Integration, Test