The UPM has approved DOCTORAL PROGRAM MODEL UPM by Chancellor's Resolution of December 21, 2011, published in the Official Bulletin of the Technical University of Madrid (BOUPM).
This model is application of R. D. 99/2011, of January 28, which are arranged official university, including PhD. In section 6 "Requirements for admission to doctoral" states:
In general, for access to official doctoral program will need to be in possession of the Spanish official titles of Degree, or equivalent, and Master.
Also can access those at any of the following circumstances:
a) Possession of an official university Spanish, or another country member of the European Higher Education Area, which qualify them for admission to Master in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October and have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all official university studies, of which at least 60 must be of Master's level.
b) Possesion of a Spanish official title of graduate or graduate, whose duration, according to rules of Community law, be at least 300 ECTS credits. These graduates must attend mandatory training allowances referred to in Article 7.2 of this standard, unless the corresponding curriculum includes graduate degree research training credits, equivalent to credit educational value from research Master studies.
c) Graduates who, after obtaining training place in the corresponding squares test access to specialized medical training, positive evaluation have passed at least two years of training in a program to obtain the official title of any of the specialties in Health Sciences.
d) Possession of a degree obtained under foreign educational systems, without his approval, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of education equivalent to the Spanish official title of Master and empowering in the country issuing the qualification for admission to doctoral studies. This admission does not imply in any case the approval of the original title in possession of the individual nor his recognition for purposes other than the access to Doctoral studies.
e) Possession of another Spanish PhD degree obtained under previous arrangements university.
In the second additional provision "Joining the new doctoral programs established in this Royal Decree" of RD 99/2011 specifies the following aspects:
Doctoral students who have begun their doctoral program university under previous arrangements may qualify for the doctoral regulated in this Royal Decree, after college admission question in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree and the rules of the university.
May be admitted to doctoral studies covered by this Royal Decree, the Lawyers, Architects and engineers who were in possession of the Diploma of Advanced Studies obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998, of April 30, or had reached sufficient research regulated by Royal Decree 185/1985, of January 23.
The Doctoral Committee of the UPM will be responsible to check for those students who are in possession of qualifications obtained from educational systems outside the European Space for Higher Education that the degree certifies a level of education equivalent to the corresponding Spanish Master and empowers the issuing country for access to doctoral studies. Admission to a PhD program at UPM is governed by the specific program criteria provided it meets the conditions of admission of the UPM.
Upon satisfaction of the conditions set forth in RD 99/2011 for access, the Academic Commission of the PhD program will address the selection and admission, according to the following criteria:
Academic records, especially the degrees with skills and knowledge related to the areas of specialization of the Doctoral Program. Be valued aspects the subjects studied, its relationship to the doctoral program and the grade earned. The weighting will be 40% of the final assessment.
Professional and research experience, especially in activities related to the areas of specialization of the Doctoral Program. Be valued aspects of their experience temporary duration, the degree of research orientation, its international character, and its relation to the areas of the Doctoral Program. The weighting will be 30% of the final assessment.
The student must certify sufficient knowledge of English and Spanish (where applicable) that will address the subject taught easily in those languages. The evaluation procedure is as follows: in the case of credit a B2 level or higher will get full marks in this section, and if not, will be a brief in-person interview to assess their actual knowledge.
The presentation of a letter of recommendation from accredited professionals in the scientific and professional fields related to the Doctoral Program. It will assess the contents of the letter, the level of responsibility of the person issuing the letter and the institution to which he belongs. The weight will be 5% of the final assessment.
The motivation letter is required of candidates showing their interest to pursue the PhD Program, and reasoned specific topic you would like to investigate if admitted. With this letter is intended for students to reflect on their motivation to tackle a thesis and commitment involving student base. It will assess the adequacy of the thematic object of interest of the student, with the research program. The weight will be 5% of the final assessment.
An interview, candidates must have a member of the Academic Committee and Doctoral Program Quality. The aspects that will be assessed interest for the thesis, his maturity to address a research paper, and additionally, will deepen and clarify the scope of the issues addressed in the above criteria (educational background, professional experience, languages, etc. .). The weighting will be 10% of the final assessment.
The Doctoral Committee of the UPM, at the request of the head of the doctoral program, can accept a student enrolled in a part time. The authorization shall become effective the semester following approval. In this case, studies may have a maximum duration of five years from admission to the program until the deposit of the thesis. For the purpose of computing the above period shall not be taken into account sickness, pregnancy or any other cause provided by current legislation. For admission of students to PT will take into account the following additional criteria:
The student must prove that they have sufficient time to devote a minimum of 10 hours weekly effort to research work related to his doctoral thesis.
In the event that the candidate is working, assess the candidate responsible for this work are informed of its intention to make the thesis and support that decision.
These criteria will also apply if a full time student wants to change his part-time position. Part-time students may switch to full-time if the dedication to the work of research for doctoral thesis becomes full time, having no contract other than that aims at realization of the doctoral thesis. In case of doubt, for the admission of graduates, and if the candidate's training and experience were far removed from the issues of the doctoral program, the candidate may be admitted upon condition that overcomes some additional training, and that enable them to acquire the skills needed to perform the PhD Program. This admission is done according to the procedure PR 19 "leveling actions" of the Quality Assurance system of the ETSI Telecommunication. In case of admission, students can be found at the website of the UPM, ( ), the process of pre-registration and enrollment in the doctoral program for Spanish students, and outside the EU.
Considering the different lines of research included in the doctoral program, the recommended entry profile includes the following degrees:
Master's Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering.
Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering. Within this recommended entry profile includes the Telecommunications Engineering degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid that has been accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), or equivalent qualifications from other universities.
Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering. Within this income profile includes Industrial Engineering degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid that has been accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), or equivalent qualifications from other universities.
Master's Degree in Materials Engineering.
Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering.
Master's Degree in Computer Engineering.
Master's Degree in Photovoltaics.
Masteres taught in the Faculties of Physics or Chemistry, specifically the following:
Master in Biomedical Physics
Master in Nanophysics and Advanced Materials
Master in New Technologies Electronic and Photonic
Qualifications equivalent to those discussed previously taught in other national and international universities prior approval of the CAPD.
In the case of profile A, recommended entry profile, training supplements are not considered.
This profile consists of the following degrees:
Masteres taught in the Schools of Mathematics, specifically the following:
Master's Degree in Mathematics
Master's Degree in Mathematical Engineering
Masters in Aeronautical Engineering
Master in Marine Engineering.
Qualifications equivalent to those discussed previously taught in other national and international universities prior approval of the CAPD.
In the case of profile B (other income profiles), students must take a compulsory between 6 and 18 ECTS from courses training complements the Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering:
Equipos y Terminales de Usuario (6 ECTS) asignatura obligatoria del master
Ingeniería de Sistemas con Procesadores (6 ECTS) asignatura obligatoria de itinerario.
Diseño Microelectrónico (6 ECTS) asignatura obligatoria de itinerario.
Nanoelectrónica (6 ECTS) asignatura optativa de itinerario.
Ingeniería Neurosensorial (6 ECTS) asignatura optativa de itinerario.
The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program will be responsible for analyzing the specific needs of each student and to define a number between 6 and a maximum of 18 credits in training complements from those specified above. These supplements may be adapting, approval of the CAPD, as vary the degree map and the evolution of technology.
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