Seminario Investigación: Uso de Python para el tratamiento de grandes cantidades de datos: Un nuevo enfoque a BigData
12/02/2014 17:00

Uso de Python para el tratamiento de grandes cantidades de datos: Un nuevo enfoque a BigData
Ponente: Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch, Director Ejecutivo de Continuum Analytics Europa.
Lugar: A-122
Día y hora: 12 de Febrero de 2014, a las 17:00
Since years, Python is establishing itself step-by-step as a serious competitor in the
data analytics arena. With libraries like pandas and powerful tools like the IPython
Notebook, Python has already conquered larger parts of the interactive analytics space.
Continuum Analytics works on multiple fronts to further improve Python's capabilities
and positioning.
On the one hand, Continuum works on making Python "Big Data-ready". In this regard,
the open source library Blaze offers next generation array capabilities which include
among others disk-based, distributed arrays. With Numba comes a means to
dynamically generate hardware-optimized, high performing machine code out of pure
Python code.
On the other hand, Continuum offers a new dimension of open, collaborative data
analytics and reproducible research with its cloud-based platform
The talk illustrates, mainly on the basis of specific code examples, what the future of
data analytics with Python might look like.
Presentación del ponente
Yves J. Hilpisch is Managing Director Europe for Continuum Analytics, Inc., one of the
premier providers of enterprise analytics solutions based on Python. He is also the
founder of Visixion GmbH, The Python Quants, an independent, privately owned
analytics software provider and financial engineering boutique. He works with clients
from the financial industry around the globe.
Yves has a Diploma in Business Administration and a Dr.rer.pol. in Mathematical
Finance. He has ten years of experience with Python, in particular in the context of
financial applications, derivatives pricing and interactive data analytics. He is also
lecturer for mathematical Finance at Saarland University, Germany.
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