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« 02 2025 »

Achieved 2 HiPEAC collaboration grants


LSI group has achieved 2 HiPEAC collaboration grants. Marina Zapater and Patricia Arroba have achieved a collaboration grant each one; 2 grants of the 20 grants given all over Europe.

“The FP7 HiPEAC network of excellence is Europe’s premier organization for coordinating research, improving mobility, and enhancing visibility in the computing system field. HiPEAC covers all computing market segments: embedded systems, general purpose computing systems, data centers and high performance computing. Created in 2004, HiPEAC today gathers over 250 leading European academic and industrial computing system researchers from about 100 universities and 50 companies in one virtual centre of excellence.”

The grants provide 5000 € for a 3 month collaborative visit. Marina is going to finish her Doctorate continuing her collaboration in the Boston University (BU), USA, supervised by Prof. Ayse K. Coskun, from August to October 2014. In the other hand, Patricia is going to work along 3 month with Prof. Rajkumar Buyya in the University of Melbourne, Australia, from October 2014 to January 2015.

We wish them to have a nice and productive work. Congratulations!

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