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Digital Electronic Circuits (CEDG)

Créditos Totales: 
Créditos Teóricos: 
Créditos Prácticos: 
Delivery dates: 
Primer semestre
Type of subject: 
Website of the subject: 
Instructional Objectives: 

The main objective of this course is to obtain a basic level of knowledge in digital electronics and set the stage to perform the analysis and design of complex digital electronic circuits, to be completed in subsequent courses subjects.

The most significant evolution of digital electronics in recent years has been the degree of complexity of the systems that are made with it, from single components to complete systems performing. To address the problem of high complexity has chosen to make a focus on defining new levels of abstraction on classical logic, such as RTL and functional.

In the approach of the program of the course is an introduction part of the electrical and logical levels to focus then the greater weight of the subject in the structural and functional levels, for which introduces the hardware description language VHDL.



1. Introduction (0.1 credits)
Administrivia. Description of the agenda.

2. Fundamentals (0.4 credits)
Logic levels in binary logic. Uploading and downloading capabilities in CMOS. Basic Timing

3. Coding of information and switching algebra (0.7 credits)
Principles numbering. Boolean logic. Axioms and equations. Rendering circuits. Simplification by Karnaugh.

4. Combinational circuits (1 credit)
Simple and complex logic gates. Multiplexers. Miscellaneous Items: encoders and decoders, comparators and operators. ROM, RAM and EPROM.

5. Sequential Circuits (1 credit)
RS Scale. Latches and flip-flops. Records. Accountants. Shift registers.

6. Automata theory (0.6 credits)
Mealy and Moore machines. State machine design.

July. Functional and structural descriptions (0.7 credits)
Functional and structural descriptions. Introduction to VHDL. Descriptions in VHDL. Components on which the synthesis: CPLD and FPGA. Additional examples and exercises


The course assessment is performed by a test that is not allowed the use of books or notes. Its duration is approximately three hours and usually consist of word problems where they show mastery of the knowledge of the subject.

During the development of the course may be you to realize, without notice and in the class period, small tests to be qualified with the following notes: M (mal), R (regular), B (good) and MB (very well) . The results of these tests will be used to decide the final grade where the exam is doubtful between approved and suspense.

Más Información
Subject code: 
CEDG -090000271
Course Number which belongs within the qualification: 
Previous Knowledge: 

Basic Electronics

Center impartation: 
Academic year of teaching: 
Recommended Book

Digital Design (Principles and Practices) Fourth Edition
John F. Wakerly,
Prentice Hall

Other recommended books

Digital Fundamentals, Ninth Edition
Thomas L. Floyd
Prentice Hall

Digital Design (Principles and Practices) Third Edition
John F. Wakerly,
Prentice Hall
