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« January 2025 »

Electronic Foundations of Communication (FELC)

Créditos Totales: 
Créditos Teóricos: 
Créditos Prácticos: 
Delivery dates: 
Segundo semestre
Type of subject: 
Instructional Objectives: 

The course is intended to offer a panoramic view, as global as possible, of Electronics and its implications on different society environments. The historic way has been adopted to serve as the conductive thread to introduce and analyse different possible approaches to satisfy social needs. Technical developments and their achievements are to be unveiled, but also reasons for technologies giving way to others. Thus, students should realise that knowledge does not end on what can be achieved with a given technique. So important is knowledge of its limits and how can it be replaced as it reaches its zenith. This approach should the student to be accustomed to learn from history lessons and to realise that history ignorance makes sometimes errors to recur. Another lesson to be learned is, as well, that it is frequently the society which determines the way to follow in spite of technical people predictions.


Birth of Telecommunications. Some steps forward in the 18th and 19th centuries (8 hrs)
The beginning of Electronics. The stage of vacuum tubes. First steps. Television development (5 hrs)
The beginning of a new era: Semiconductors and first devices (8 hrs)
The transistor family. Repercussions in communications and related technologies (7 hrs)
Planar Technology: From Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics (10 hrs)
The Microprocessor: way to and success of miniaturization (6 hrs)
Electronic Systems Design (4 hrs)
Electronics in Communications and Computer Science (5 hrs)
The Optics mergence into Elecronics. Antecedents. Previous technologies. Lasers, optical fibres and communications (7 hrs)


Un examen final, en forma de test, en el que se plantean preguntas de carácter conceptual y aplicado, así como de los hitos fundamentales de la Electrónica y las Comunicaciones. A lo largo del curso, cada profesor podrá indicar trabajos que pueden contribuir a la nota final. El primer día de clase se indicarán detalles al respecto.

Más Información
Subject code: 
FELC -090000290
Course Number which belongs within the qualification: 
Center impartation: 
Academic year of teaching: 

La bibliografía será toda la existente en publicaciones que, como los Proceedings del IEEE, periódicamente contienen artículos de historia de la Electrónica así como reimpresiones de artículos seminales en este campo. Se dará a los alumnos la información necesaria para que puedan acceder a la información usada y empleada.