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Neurosensorial Engineering

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Delivery dates: 
Second semester
Type of subject: 
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Instructional Objectives: 

Many communication or engineering systems are aimed at interacting with human beings, who are the source or destination of the processed information, by means of their sensorial systems, controlled by the nervous system and the brain.

The main objective of this course is the study of the nervous system, including the brain and the sensory systems, in order to simulate and integrate them in electronic systems, with some applications such as prostheses and multisensory interfaces.

In the course we will describe the nervous system and the brain, the auditory, visual, somatic-sensory, smell and taste systems, with the addition of the speech production system that contribute to the interaction between the human being and his environment. Generally, in every lesson we will describe the physiology and functional aspects of the system, in order to proceed with engineering solutions that intend to simulate it, mainly oriented to prosthetic applications.


1. Introduction: Content of the course.
2. The nervous system and the brain
2.1 Fundamentals of information processing in the nervous system
2.2 Functional electrical stimulation and neurorehabilitation
2.3 Brain-Computer communication
2.4 Introduction to nervous system modelling
3. The sensory system
3.1 The auditory system
3.2 The visual system
3.3 The somatic-sensory system
3.4 The smell and taste systems
4. The speech production system
5. Multisensorial user interfaces
5.1 Virtual reality systems
5.2 Aumented and alternative communication

Más Información
Subject code: 
INSN -090000562
Course Number which belongs within the qualification: 
Previous Knowledge: 

No se requieren conocimiento previos específicos.

Center impartation: 
Academic year of teaching: 

Bibliografía general:

- M. Bear, B. Connors, M. Paradiso. �Neurociencia. Explorando el cerebro�. Williams & Wilkins. (3a ed.). 2008
- B. He. "Neural Engineering". Kluwer Academic. 2005.
- D. Purves et al. �Neuroscience�. Sinauer Associates, Inc. (5th edition). 2011

Redes neuronales artificiales:
+ D.P. Morgan, C.L. Scofield, �Neural Networks and Speech Processing�, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991

Sistema auditivo:
+ W.A Yost, Fundamentals of Hearing: An Introduction, Academic Press, 2000.
+ B.H.Brown, R.H. Smallwood, D.C. Barber, P. V Lawford, D.R. Hose, �Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999
+ D. O�Shaughnessy, �Speech Communications : Human and Machine�, IEEE Press, 2000
+ Huang, X. Acero, A., Hon, H-W. Spoken Language Processing: A guide to Theory, Algorithm and System Development. Prentice Hall, 2001

Sistema visual:
+ Ponnavaillo M., Kumar V.P., �The artificial eye�. IEEE Potentials 18(5): 33-35. Dec 1999/Jan 2000.
+ Peachey N.S., Chow A.Y., �Subretinal implantation of semiconductor-based photodiodes: Progress and challenges�. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 36(4). Oct 1999.
+ Dobelle W.H., �Artificial Vision for the Blind by Connecting a Television Camera to the Visual Cortex�. Am. Soc. of Artificial Internal Organs Journal, 46:3-9. 2000. (Disponible en http://www.dobelle.com/ )
+ Hindus L.A., �CMOS: The Image of the Future�. Advanced Imaging Magazine. May 2001.

Sistema somato-sensorial:
+ M. Bear, B. Connors, M. Pardiso. �Neurociencia. Explorando el cerebro�. Williams & Wilkins España. 1998.
+ A. Despopoulos, S Silbernagl. �Color Atlas of Physiology�. Thiem Medical Publ. (4th edition). 1991.
+ E. Kandel, J. Schwartz, T. Jessell. "Principles of Neural Science�. Prentice-Hall International Inc. (3rd edition). 1991.
+ Centre for sensory motor interaction, Alborg University. Denmark: http://www.smi.auc.dk
+ Control of Movement for the Physicaliy Disabled, D. Popovic, T. Sinkjaer. Springer Verlag. http://www.oandp.com. Resources for prosthetics and orthotics
+ Tactile transducers to replace lost touch sensation, Eric E Sabelman, PhD; Greg TA Kovacs, MD, PhD; Vincent R Hentz, MD; Joseph M Rosen, MD; Chris Kurjan, MS; Paul Merritt, MS; Greg Scott, MS; Adam Gervin, MS; Star Teachout, MS http://guide.stanford.edu/publications/dev5.html
+ Universidad de Standford. Transducers Lab. http://transducers.stanford.edu/stl/Projects.html
+ Unitech Research Inc. VIDEOTACT. http://www.execpc.com/unitech/videotac.html
+ TACTILATOR: http://www.tactaid.com/
+ Estación de Telecirugía: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Campus/3327/hardware.html#SENS...
+ OMRONCAT. http://www.machinebrain.com/articles/omroncat101601.html
+ HUMANOID Robotics Institute. Waseda University. http://www.humanoid.waseda.ac.jp/booklet/kato12.html

Sistemas del olfato y el gusto:
+ J.W. Gardner and P.N. Bartlett. Electronic Noses. Principles and Applications. Oxford Science Publications, 1999.
+ Martin G. Buehler, Gregory M. Kuhlman, and Didier Keymeulen. Advanced Electronic tongue Concept. 2002 IEEE Aerospace Conference.
+ John C. Leffingwell. Olfaction. Leffingwell Reports, Vol. 2 (No. 1), May, 2002
+ Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna. Pattern Analysis for Machine Olfaction: A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, Junio 2002
+ David Harwood. Something in the air. IEE Review. Enero 2001.
+ W. Jeffrey Hurst. Electronic Noses and Sensor Array Based Systems (Design and Application). Culinary and Hospitality Industry Publications. 1999
+ Henry Baltes, Dirk Lange y Andreas Koll. The Electronic Nose in Lilliput. IEEE Spectrum, septiembre 1998
+ Susan S. Schiffman. The how and why of electronic noses. IEEE Spectrum, septiembre 1998

El sistema de producción de habla:
+ Bernal Bermúdez, J. , Bobadilla Sancho, J. y Gómez Vilda, P. Reconocimiento de voz y fonética acústica. Editorial Rama. 2000
+ Dale, Robert, y Reiter, Ehud. Building Natural Language Generation Systems. Cambridge University Press, 2000
+ Gold B. y Morgan, N. Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception of Speech and Music, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2000
+ Huang, X. Acero, A., Hon, H-W. Spoken Language Processing: A guide to Theory, Algorithm and System Development. Prentice Hall, 2001
+ Parke. A Parameterized Model for Facial Animation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 2(9), pp. 61-70. 1982.
+ Quilis, A. y Fernández, J. A. Curso de fonética y fonología españolas para estudiantes angloamericanos. 12� edición. CSIC 1989.

Interfaces de usuario multisensoriales y realidad virtual:
+ "Virtual reality systems / John Vince" Redwood City, California : Addison-Wesley, 1995
+ "Realidad virtual / L.M.del Pino Gonzalez" Madrid : Paraninfo, 1995
+ "Virtual reality technologies for future telecommunications systems / edited by Algirdas Pakstas and Ryoichi Komiya Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons, cop. 2002
+ Introducción Práctica a la Realidad Virtual Parra Marquez, J.C., García Alvarado, R., Santelices Malfani, I., Ediciones U. Bío-Bío, Concepción, (Chile) 2001. http://zeus.dci.ubiobio.cl/~sigradi/libros/
+ What Is Virtual Reality? Jerry Isdale, http://vr.isdale.com/WhatIsVR.html
+ Virtual Reality. A Short Introduction K.-P. Beier, http://www-vrl.umich.edu/intro/index.html
+ HomeBrew Virtual Reality. http://www.cms.dmu.ac.uk/~cph/hbvr.html http://www.shef.ac.uk/~vrmbg/vrhmhb/contents.html
