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Technological Innovation

Créditos Totales: 
Créditos Teóricos: 
Créditos Prácticos: 
Delivery dates: 
First semester
Type of subject: 
Website of the subject: 

We will be tackling two blocks in this course: the first one will be more theoretical, more concept-focused; it consists of familiarizing the students with definitions, enterprise strategy and understanding innovation models and concepts, and a second one more practical. This last part is the most important of the course, because it should be the way to assimilate all previous concepts and to put in practice "how to innovate". It will be achieved through an open discussion (professor and students) of a case study on enterprise strategy for technological innovation and the development of several innovation projects in groups of 3-4 students. Basic topics to be covered are:

- Module 1: Innovation: enterprise strategy and definitions
- Module 2: Processes and Methodology
- Module 3: Intelectual Property
- Module 4: Creativity and innovation
- Module 5: Quality and Risk Management
- Module 6: Financing innovation
- Module 7: Socio-political environment for innovation



Más Información
Subject code: 
INTL -090000571
Course Number which belongs within the qualification: 
Previous Knowledge: 

Innovation implies:

 Change, creating something new (product, service, process, market,)
 Accepted and bought by the client (successful in the market)
 Not necessarily technology dependent
 People, with creativity and motivation, are key elements (innovators)

As P. Gupta states in his book Business Innovation in the 21st Century, a new framework of innovation is needed for the Internet generation and the knowledge age. The goal  is to facilitate standardization of the innovation process so that results can be more predictable and so that innovation can be produced on demand.

We can summarize by saying that innovation is creativity applied to business and it is on the basis of competitiveness and also that people, with motivation, tools and methods, are key elements for the development of any company or country.

This course looks to expand the vision of future Telecom engineers, preparing them to be creative for business success; in other words: innovators or, even more, entrepreneurs. To this aim, it will cover the several aspects that facilitate and assure that innovation takes place at the enterprise level and also how to put them into practice by developing an innovation project.

Center impartation: 
Academic year of teaching: 

La gestión de la innovación y la tecnología en las organizaciones", A. Hidalgo Nuchera, G. León Serrano y J. Pavón Moroto. Ediciones Pirámide, 2002.
Tecnología e Innovación en la Empresa", P. Escorsa Castells y J. Valls Pasola. Ediciones UPC, 2002.
Innovación Tecnologica�. Página personal de F. Sáez Vacas (http://www.gsi.dit.upm.es/~fsaez/)
Business Innovation in the 21st Century", P. Gupta. Accelper Consulting, 2007
La innovación que sí funciona", T. Dávila, M.J. Epstein y R. Shelton. Ediciones Deusto, 2006.
 "Temas básicos de innovación tecnológica en las empresas". F. Sáez Vacas, O.García, J. Palao, P. Rojo. Primera edición: junio 2003
 "Más allá de Internet: la Red Universal Digital", F. Sáez Vacas. Editorial: Ramón Areces. Primera edición: mayo 2004.
